The official venue of the Summit is STPLN
Travel Information
The easiest way is to travel from either Copenhagen International Airport (Denmark) or Malmö Airport (Sweden). You can also travel to Stockholm and from Stockholm take a train or bus to Malmö.
If you arrive to Copenhagen International Airport:
You have to take the train to Malmö Central Station. The price for the train is 120-130 SEK (12-13 EUR).
If you arrive to Malmö Airport:
You have to take a bus to Malmö Central Station (costs appr 120 SEK (12 EUR).
If you arrive to one of Stockholm Airports:
You have to either take a bus or a train.
You can consult with Sofia Khadiri, – Participants responsible person with regards to your travel details. The organizers will communicate all the practical details to selected participants through e-mails.
Arrival and Departure information:
The Arrival day is 31st of May. Everyone has to arrive till 15:00, because the registration on that day will finish at 16:00.
The Departure is 04th of June in the morning. Make sure to take into consideration while purchasing your tickets the arrival and the departure days.
NOTE! You can arrive to Malmö or Copenhagen a couple of days earlier or stay couple of days longer to see around or to travel. However, this should be done at your own expenses.
The organizers of the event will take care of your daily transportation from the hotel to the venue and back. Other options of the transportation will be communicated with selected participants through e-mails.